In an essay rich with insights, A. D. Carson writes “What these friends always want is my public absolution, as a black person on behalf of all black people: they want to be told they aren’t really racist. . . . the word “racist” is like a racial slur to them. . . . Despite this aversion to being termed a racist, it seems to me that many white people are still reluctant to have the kinds of conversations and reckonings that would perhaps give our society a chance – however remote – of starting to address the ongoing racism and inequalities plaguing us. White people are more scared of being perceived as racist than in doing the work to ensure that they actually aren’t.”
Not in Our Town offers this kind of conversation to our community on the first Monday of every month (7-8:45 pm) at the Princeton Public Library. Next Continuing Conversation on Race and White Privilege will take place on Monday, October 5, 2015.