Friday, June 2, 10:30 to 11:45 a.m.
Alumni-Faculty Forum: Reflections on Class & Race Moderator: Eddie Glaude *97, William S. Tod Professor of Religion and African American Studies and Chair, Department of African American Studies. Panelists: Charlie Shorter ’62, Senior Advisor, Davis Brody Bond; Sharon R. Fairley ’82, Chief Administrator, City of Chicago, Independent Police Review Authority; Joseph Barnett ’12, Distribution Analyst, Universal Pictures, and Ph.D. Student, University of California, Irvine. Sponsored by the Alumni Association of Princeton University. Andlinger Center, Maeder Hall Auditorium. (Corner of Prospect and Princeton Avenue).
Friday, June 2, 2:30 to 3:45 pm
Alumni-Faculty Forum: Social Media in the World of “Fake News” Moderator: Sam Wang, Professor of Molecular Biology and the Princeton Neuroscience Institute and Founder, Princeton Election Consortium. Panelists: Andrew P. Napolitano ’72, Senior Judicial Analyst, Fox News Channel, and Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law, Brooklyn Law School; Lisa Belkin ’82, Chief National Correspondent, Yahoo News; Louis Jacobson ’92, Senior Correspondent, PolitiFact; Alexis Kleinman ’12, Tech Editor, Mic. To 3:45 PM. Sponsored by the Alumni Association of Princeton University. McDonnell Hall, Room A02.
Friday, June 2, 3 -5 pm
Princeton’s Black Neighborhood and the University: From Slavery to Black Lives Matter Panelists: Kathryn Watterson, Author, I Hear My People Singing: Voices of African American Princeton; Former Trustee Robert J. Rivers, Jr. ’53, HD16; Former Borough Mayor Yina Moore ’79; Joseph P. Moore, Assistant Dean of Students, Princeton University (1969-75); Saloni Doshi ’03, Student Interviewer for I Hear My People Singing; Lauren Miller ’03, Student Interviewer for I Hear My People Singing. To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by the Office of Community and Regional Affairs. Friend Center, Convocation Room.
Friday, June 2, 3 -5 pm
Race Relations and Diversity: Impacts of Today’s Political Climate on Vulnerable Children and Families Moderator: Sheryl WuDunn *88, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist, Entrepreneur, Author, A Path Appears: Transforming Lives, Creating Opportunity and Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide, and Trustee, Princeton University. Panelists: Kavita Ramsas *88, Former President and CEO of the Global Fund for Women, Representative, Ford Foundation in New Delhi, and Founding Director, Program on Social Entrepreneurship, Stanford University; Margarita Rosa ’74, Former Executive Director, National Center for Law and Economic Justice and The Grand Street Settlement, Former New York State Commissioner of Human Rights, and Trustee, Princeton University; Sarah Tantillo ’87, Educational Consultant, Author, Former Founding Director, New Jersey Charter Public Schools Association, and Board Chair, Princeton-Blairstown Center; Dan-el Padilla Peralta ‘06, Assistant Professor, Classics and Author, Undocumented: A Dominican Boy’s Odyssey from a Homeless Shelter to the Ivy League; Yessica Martinez ‘15, 2015 Pyne Prize Winner, Co-Founder of the Princeton DREAM Team, and PP55 Fellow at Coalition for Hispanic Family Services. Sponsored by the Association of Latino Princeton Alumni, the Graduate Women of Color Caucus, the Hidden Minority Council, the PrincetonBlairstown Center, the Princeton Latinos Y Amigos, the Program in Latino Studies, The Women*s Center, and The Princeton University LGBT Center. Carl A. Fields Center, Large Multipurpose Room.
Saturday, June 3, 10:30 am to noon
Journalism in a Post-Fact Era Moderator: Joel Achenbach ’82, Washington Post reporter. Panelists: Joe Stephens, Ferris Professor in Residence and Washington Post investigative reporter; Edward Wong, visiting Ferris Professor and New York Times international correspondent; Nancy Cordes *99, CBS News congressional correspondent; Juliet Eilperin ’92, Washington Post senior national-affairs correspondent; Richard Just ’01, Washington Post Magazine editor; Jennifer Epstein ’08, Bloomberg White House/political reporter. Sponsored by the Princeton Alumni Weekly and the Ferris Seminars in Journalism in the Council of the Humanities. Frist Campus Center, Room 302.