In conjunction with Historical Society of Princeton, Princeton Public Library, Arts Council of Princeton, and Witherspoon-Jackson Historical and Cultural Society, Morven is hosting a Slave Dwelling Project Program Oct 12 and 13, bringing Mr. Joe McGill’s program to New Jersey for the first time. Mr. McGill’s Slave Dwelling Project brings historians, and the public together to educate, collaborate and organize resources to illuminate and often, save, important African American history related to slave ancestry.
The program is free to the public. All ages welcome. Click here for additional information and to register for 1) Shirley Satterfield’s walking tour of Princeton’s Witherspoon-Jackson neighborhood on Friday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. ($8.00), 2) Friday evening and Saturday morning activities at Morven, and 3) email address for entering the lottery to sleep over in Morven on Friday night.