Please join us Tuesday evening on the campus of Princeton University for an evening of thought-provoking ideas and exceptional conversation. 
Register at the door or call Kathi Morley at 609-656-5202 or
Dr. Amy Lerman is Assistant Professor of Politics and Public Affairs at Princeton. Her research examines race and income inequality; public opinion; social identity and civil society; and American criminal justice.  She is also interested in the application of survey, field and “natural” experimental research methods.

In addition to writing and teaching, Dr. Lerman has served as Director of the 2006 California Correctional Officer Survey Project (a state-wide survey of custody staff working in the California prison system), Vice President of Policy Studies for the political consulting firm Attention America, and an adjunct faculty member and research consultant of the Prison University Project and the college program at San Quentin State Prison.

Leonard Ward, Director, Community Programs Division, NJ State Parole Board and Eugene Thomas, a Desert Storm veteran who has spent nearly 20 years in the criminal justice system will serve as discussants. Mr. Thomas is currently the founder and CEO of Buried Treasures, an organization that works with at-risk youth. 

Growing Up Urban

This presentation is part of “Growing Up Urban,” a new lecture and discussion series that features some of the most engaging thinkers of our time on topics of interest and concern to all of us.

Sponsored by 
Mercer Street Friends and the Princeton Center for Migration & Development, “Growing Up Urban” marries academic research and practical application in a provocative, fascinating look at an America that many never experience, and the forces and conditions that are shaping our cities and the people who live in them.
For over 50 years, Mercer Street Friends has been providing programs that meet the health and human service needs of the Greater Trenton community. Inspired by the Quaker spirit and recognizing the inherent worth of all people, Mercer Street Friends remains dedicated to its mission of creating a nurturing environment in which individuals achieve independence, community, and quality of life.

In addition to running a regional food bank, Mercer Street Friends provides adult education and job training; parent education, counseling and support; delinquency and violence prevention, vocational training, and clinical services to teenaged youth; a quality, evidence-based early childhood education program; and home health care services for the elderly and disabled.