While some critics object that a more expansive definition of white supremacy hampers making distinctions in attitudes and actions, Vann R. Newkirk II explains how and why this linguistic change occurred. He also refuses to let off the hook those in power who did damage behind the scenes. “In no small bit of class warfare, whites who most often carried out direct violence in white supremacy’s name took the heat, giving space to the white men in suits who did their work quietly with litigation and city-planning maps. Those people of color who critiqued white supremacy were cemented as malcontents and agitators, themselves racists or “race-baiters” who sought to exploit white guilt to upend American racial harmony.” To read the entire article, click here.
The references cited in the Atlantic piece are wonderful. I have long believed that MLK’s “Where do we go from here”? is an essential question that has stood the test of time. Thank you for sharing.