LALDEF: a more just and inclusive society

Congratulations to the Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund, which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. At a press conference  on Monday September 15 at 2 PM ,  at the Mediterra Restaurant on Hulfish Street, Princeton.  LALDEF representatives will...

Rise of the Warrior Cop

Nancy Strong calls attention to an interview on Democracy Now I hope all of us in NIOT can find a way to hear the interview of Radley Balko on August 15 on Democracy Now! Balko said that police who change into military uniforms become soldiers facing an enemy rather...

New for 2014: From Blogspot to WordPress

As of February 13, 2014, we have moved NIOT Princeton’s blog from Blogspot to this site on WordPress. Thanks for your patience! Thanks especially to John LeMasney, consultant extraordinaire. John drastically trimmed costs by offering phone consultations...