by lindaoppenheim | Nov 15, 2016 | Documents
A raíz de una de las elecciones más divisivas y difíciles en la historia de nuestro país, es importante para nosotros unirnos como ciudad y comprometernos nuevamente con los valores de inclusión, diversidad, y oportunidad. Mucho puede suceder a nivel local, y todos...
by lindaoppenheim | Nov 15, 2016 | Documents
In the aftermath of one of the most divisive and fractious elections in our country’s history, it is important for us to come together as a town and recommit ourselves to the values of inclusion, diversity and opportunity. Much progress can happen at the local level,...
by lindaoppenheim | Nov 14, 2016 | News
Stocketon City Councilman Michael Tubbs was elected Stockton CA’s first black mayor and youngest mayor on Tuesday night.
by lindaoppenheim | Nov 13, 2016 | News
When Natasha Nkhama, a Baylor University student, was attacked by a student, hundreds of fellow students escorted Nkhama to her Friday morning class
by lindaoppenheim | Nov 9, 2016 | Opinion, Uncategorized
Ziad Ahmed, Not in Our Town board member and redefy founder, expresses his feelings as an American and a Muslim teenager in his Huffington Post essay. “I will not be quiet. I will not succumb to fear. I will not feel intimated.”