Slaves weren’t immigrants. They were property.

Dr. Tera W. Hunter, professor in the history department and department of African-American studies at Princeton University, explains why the misrepresentation of American history, as in Ben Carson’s recent talk, is harmful.  “Retrofitting a generic...

Enslaved Africans Do Not Count As Immigrants

Julia Craven explains the difference, quoting Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, ” ‘Misrepresenting the process of European colonization of North America, making everyone an immigrant, serves to preserve the ‘official story’ of a mostly benign and benevolent USA . . ....

Immigrant Information and Resource Packets

The Princeton Human Services Department has made information and resources packets in English and Spanish available to the community for immigrant residents in Princeton and is requesting help in distributing them to people who may benefit from the resources provided...

From the Burg to the Barrio: December 4

On Wednesday, December 4, at 6:00 PM, Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund will host a screening of “From the Burg to the Barrio” at the Princeton Garden Theatre. On the basis of historical research and moving interviews with residents of Chambersburg, the...

Vote in Poll: Support Tuition Equality

Make your voice heard here,  to vote for supporting tuition equality. This poll is a follow-up to the passage yesterday of the NJ Senate bill granting in state tuition (to state/county universities/colleges) to undocumented young people who have been in NJ high...