Racial Literacy: Not in Our Town’s Fall Program

In partnership with the Princeton Public Library and the Garden Theatre, Not in Our Town will be offering a 5-session weekly program on racial literacy from Tuesday, October 18 through Tuesday, November 15.  Dr. Ruha Benjamin, African American Studies professor at...

Race Research Online Directory

The website was created by the Center on Race and Social Problems of the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Social Work.  Topics include criminal justice, economic disparities, educational disparities, families, youth, and the elderly, health, interracial...

History, Race, and Real Estate, March 30, 2016

The last in a student-run series Detroit 101, focusing on the underlying causes that perpetuated Detroit’s decline, this panel includes Thomas Sugre, Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis and History, NYU,  Jerry Papendorf, Founder and CEO, Loveland Technologies,...